Staying connected after the end of your free data
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If your free Connecting Scotland MiFi data is coming to an end there are a number of ways you can carry on getting free or low cost access to the internet.
Get a new SIM from Vodafone that will give you another 6 months free internet using a phone or your MiFi dongle
After your free data ends, you can get a new SIM from Vodafone that will give you 40GB of free data for 6 months. If you can, you should use your SIM in a mobile phone, as you'll get texts to tell you how much of your free data you've used. You can also use your SIM in a dongle.
After your 40GB of free data per month has ended, you can switch to a £5 per month pay as you go plan. This plan includes 7GB of data per month and unlimited texts and calls. You will need to opt in to your £5 per month plan to carry on using your SIM.
It is up to you how often and how much you ‘top up’ your account by (as long as you have a minimum of £5 balance). For example, you could top up with £20 credit which would then last you for four months. There is also the ability to set up an auto top-up feature.
You can see full info in the Vodafone FAQ section under the question ‘How can I top up or check my balance?’
If you do not want to use your SIM for a month, you do not need to do anything. You can opt in again at any time.
To get your free SIM, you'll need to get in touch with the organisation who gave you your MiFi dongle. You can also call the free Connecting Scotland helpline on 0800 0 590 690, between 10am-4pm, Monday - Friday.
How do I activate my free Vodafone SIM?
Your SIM will work as soon as you put it into a mobile phone, tablet or dongle. You do not need to do anything else.
What happens if I use up all of my data allowance in a single month?
You will need to wait until the next 30 days begins before your data refreshes. If you have put your SIM in a phone, you get a text when you have used 80% of your data for that month and another text when 100% has been used up.
How can I find out how much data I have left?
If you have put your free SIM into a phone you will receive a text message each month telling you how much of your overall allowance you have used.
If you have put your free SIM into your MiFi dongle, you will not get these texts.
How do I get help with my SIM?
You can get help from Vodafone in the following way:
Customer care: 0333 304 0191 (standard charges apply)
Broadband and mobile social tariffs
Broadband and mobile social tariffs are cheaper than standard broadband packages. They are a good option if you use more than 40GB of data per month.
You can get a broadband or mobile social tariff if you’re paid Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Employment and Support Allowance, Jobseeker’s Allowance or Income Support.
Find out more about social tariffs by visiting the Ofcom website.
Find a free internet connection in your area
You may be able to use a computer and get online for free somewhere close to you. Public libraries can give you access to the internet. You can find your nearest public library on
Set up a standard pay-as-you-go or fixed contract connection
You can use comparison websites such as uswitch and MoneySavingExpert to find the best standard and pay as you go or fixed term deals.
Advice about broadband deals
Citizens Advice can help you choose the best broadband deal for you. Check the Citizens Advice Scotland website or contact their helpline: 0800 028 1456.
You can also visit the Citizens Advice Money Talk Team website which has general information on reducing bills and easing the cost of living.
Get an emergency extension from Connecting Scotland
If none of the above options work for you it may be possible to get an extension to your existing free Connecting Scotland data. To ask about this, please get in touch with the organisation who gave you your MiFi dongle. If you are no longer in touch with them you can contact the free Connecting Scotland helpline: 0800 0 590 690 (Monday - Friday, 10am – 4pm)
Who to contact
If you have any questions, want help to set up paid internet, or if you are worried about the end of your free MiFi data, you can contact the free Connecting Scotland helpline: 0800 0 590 690 (Monday - Friday, 10am – 4pm) or email:
Example image of a Connecting Scotland MiFi or 'dongle':

We have issued different models across the programme and yours may look a little different.