Digital Champion Training
Connecting Scotland training is provided by the Mhor Collective, our training delivery partners. We have a range of different training sessions to meet a variety of needs. Our training offer is open to any organisation working in Scotland, you don't need to be delivering Connecting Scotland to access free training.
Training on social broadband tariffs has been merged with our Core Digital Champion Training sessions as of June 2024. If you would like to find out more about supporting people with more affordable broadband do come along to one of our core sessions.
If you're new to Connecting Scotland, or you've just starting your journey as a Digital Champion, you should join the Core Digital Champion Training. This is an introduction to Connecting Scotland and your role as a Digital Champion.
If you've already been on the Core Digital Champion Training we invite you to join one of our other sessions to help you boost your learning and skills development. Please check the training descriptions below so that you book onto the training that best meets your needs. You can join as many training sessions as you like.
Each training session in the booking form will indicate which platform it will be delivered on e.g. Zoom or Teams. You will receive the link to the training session at the end of the week before the session you've booked. This will be sent from
Please note, we update training dates and availability every couple of weeks. We currently have plans to run these training sessions throughout 2024. We usually add dates 3 weeks in advance to help us manage and monitor the demand for each session.