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Let's think about media literacy

Being online can change your life. It can make it easier to access the services and support you need, as well as news, entertainment, love and family. The internet is a powerful tool and an enabler of personal independence- when it's used responsibly.

Like anything, the internet can be open to abuse. There are a wide range of potential harms and risks out there that everyone needs to be aware of. This can sometimes make the internet a dangerous place, especially if we don't have the skills, tools and resources to protect ourselves.

But if we take the time to practice a little bit of online self-defence, we can make sure the internet works for us - not the other way around! A really important element of that is practicing media literacy.

When we talk about media literacy, we mean having the skills and understanding to evaluate what we see and share online. It's all about making sure that individuals can be wise consumers and creators of online content.

Media literacy covers a large range of topics, but there are five key areas that people using the internet should feel comfortable with in order to be a good user of the internet. You can explore these key areas below. In each of these areas, you'll find helpful and trustworthy sources of support. Some of these are articles to read or videos to watch, and some are interactive tools or resources you can use to guide your own internet journey!

The resources are built for a variety of ages - but we've tried to make sure that whatever they are, they're accessible, informal and fun.