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Keep your data safe online

Understanding what your 'data' is, and how it is used online is an important skill in keeping yourself safe online. By knowing what you're giving away when you use certain websites and services, you can have greater control over how this data is used and by whom.

'Data' can mean different things to different people, but your data is very valuable to the organisations you engage with online. If you take a bit of time to learn how to better look after your data, you can be in more control over lots of things - from the types of adverts you see online to your vulnerability to scams and online tricks.

This will be an increasingly important thing for all of us to be aware of, so it's worth having a look at some of the tools and resources below to make sure you can be in control (or something).

These are 'information' links, to help give you context to understand keeping your data safe online.

These are links to a tool or interactive resource that you can use to further your knowledge or take better control over their data.

Check your social media digital footprint

Our digital footprint is the mark we leave on the internet with how much information we share across different platforms. Use this interactive tool to figure out how big yours is. This tool is suitable for everyone with a social media account.
by Get Safe Online

Control access to data and report harmful content

It's important to understand who can access and use your data, and how you can report content you find offensive or harmful across the platforms you are using. This guide from the eSafety Commissioner in Australia provides an oversight of safety features for popular apps and websites. This resource is suitable for anyone using the internet.
by eSafety Australia

How private is your personal information?

Understand the risks of posting your personal information online with this video from Action Fraud. This resource is suitable for everyone using the internet.
by Action Fraud

Remove content you've posted

Sometimes we need to remove content we've posted, especially if we're looking after our data and privacy. This guide from Google offers support for popular websites to help you remove content. This resource is suitable for anyone using the internet.
by Google

Remove your explicit content

It's never okay for a website to host explicit content of you that you either can't or haven't consented to. It's also completely up to you when that content should be removed. has complied a user guide for supporting you to take down explicit content online. This guide is suitable for anyone using the internet.

Social media privacy checklists

Use this checklist guide from SWGfL to understand and control your privacy settings across different social media platforms. This tool is suitable for anyone with a social media account.
by SWGfL

Understand and access parental controls

It's important that parents and caregivers understand the types of content young people are accessing online. Learn more about how to access parental controls across different platforms with these online guides. This resource is suitable for parents and carers.
by Internet Matters

What does the internet know about you?

Understand your digital footprint with this interactive quiz from BBC. This resource is suitable for children and young people.
by BBC Own It