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Look after your wellbeing online

The internet is great for helping us to feel more connected and in control. There are so many positives to being connected, not least how useful and convenient it can be. However, the internet can also be damaging or harmful to our wellbeing.

There are a number of ways that the internet can be harmful to wellbeing: spending too much time online, coming across hateful or hurtful content, engaging with things that make us feel bad...

However, being aware of these potential harms and importantly, knowing what to do when we see or experience them, can ensure that the experience we have online is a positive one.

Putting your wellbeing first while you're online is vital, so we've pulled together some information and resources to help you do just that!

These are 'information' links, to help give you context about your online wellbeing.

These are links to a tool or interactive resource that you can use to further your knowledge and keep your online experiences healthy and positive.

Manage your screen time

How much time we spend on screens can have significant effects on us. It's important to be able to manage this for our own wellbeing. This guide is suitable for anyone using the internet.
by eSafety Commissioner Australia

Report harmful content

Sometimes we come across content online that makes us feel unsafe or uncomfortable. Being able to report this helps to make online spaces better for you and other. Use this guide to see how you can report content across different platforms. This tool is suitable for all internet users.
by Report Harmful Content

Speak out about harmful online action

Sometimes it can be easy to just scroll past offensive or harmful online behaviours, but we have a responsibility as online citizens to help where we can. This video from Glitch and BT explains how. This resource is suitable for anyone using the internet.
by Glitch x BT

Support young people to manage screen time

As a parent or carer, having open and honest conversations with young people about the impact of screen time is important in setting healthy habits and boundaries. Use this helpful guide from Internet Matters to help think about how to have that chat. This guide is suitable for parents and carers.
by Internet Matters

What to do if you're experiencing abuse online

Looking after yourself online and offline is so important. This guide from Glitch outlines what you can do if you're experiencing abuse online. This guide is suitable for adults.
by Glitch

Why is too much screen time bad?

Looking after our digital wellbeing is about recognising when we might have had too much exposure to the internet and the digital world. Understand more about the impacts of this with GCF Global. This resource is suitable for anyone using the internet.
by GCF Global