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Online environment

The internet is a great tool for making your world bigger, but it can make it smaller, too. While it's wonderful to find and create communities, content and culture, sometimes we can find ourselves in a bubble or be pushed down a path we wouldn't choose to take. If online spaces have our data, those platforms can choose what content to show and recommend to us. In some cases this can help us to find other content that we might enjoy, but it can also stop us seeing the full picture.

Online platforms and content often have financial incentives to show us particular things and use algorithms to encourage us to look at sponsored content or advertisements. These can differ depending on your online history or profile. You might also find yourself in an 'echo chamber' where you're only hearing similar points of view to your own, or you might be shown only one side of a story.

If you can understand and identify why online platforms may be showing you certain products or ideas, you'll know that what you see is not a comprehensive view of available information but a tailored selection meant to keep you engaged. By understanding how algorithms work, you can take steps like following accounts with different viewpoints, engaging with a variety of content, and searching for information outside of your usual interests.

These are 'information' resources, to help give you context about how your online environment can be shaped.

These are links to a tool you can use to help you see the big picture and understand how algorithms decide what to show you.

Check your digital skills

Having the skills you need to access and use the internet safely is crucial. Use this check-up tool from SCVO to see how your Essential Digital Skills are, and where you can improve and build on what you already have. This tool is suitable for anyone using the internet.

How to identify filter bubbles

Filter bubbles exist because the platforms we use show us content it thinks we want to see. Getting out of this bubble is so important for perspective. This guide from GCF Global will help to identify and burst those bubbles. This resource is suitable for anyone using the internet.
by GCF Global

How to identify sponsored content

Often in our feeds as we're scrolling, we'll see content and posts that are sponsored and targeted to us. Learn more about how identify these with GCF Global. This resource is suitable for all users of the internet.
by GCF Global

Know when to fact check

Knowing when to fact check is an important skill, and often the tell-tale signs can be overly persuasive language.
by GCF Global

What is 'the algorithm'?

People always talk about the algorithm and how it dictates what we see online, but what does that mean? This short video from CBC Kids News is a helpful explainer. Although this resource is aimed at young people, it is also suitable for anyone looking to develop their understanding.
by CBC Kids News

When the internet is not reflective of reality

Understand how fake news is spread and how to identify it with this interactive online game. This activity is aimed at young people, but is suitable for anyone.
by Get Bad News